Frequently Asked Questions
Our college-educated virtual assistants come with experience in many roles, including administrative support, financial support, social media management, customer service, website development & maintenance, marketing and much, much more. Large corporations have have been leveraging virtual assistants for decades, drawing from the same skilled talent pool we provide. In fact, you deal with such workers almost daily when you interact with some of these companies. Specific job duties include appointment scheduling, calendar management, bookkeeping, graphic design, accounting & budgeting, digital marketing, research and almost anything else you can think of. With these burdens covered, you’ll be able to focus on what you do best.
Typically between $3.00 to $7.00 per hour, depending on the position and the skillsets required. Highly specialized workers, such as a software engineer, may run as high as $9.00 per hour.
Here’s one of the best parts, and it’s not just about the money. Thanks to long-standing international commerce agreements between the United States and the government of the Philippines, you can pay remote workers based there without any tax requirements or the related (and nauseating) paperwork! There’s no worker’s comp insurance required either, which means there are no hidden costs associated with labor, and it’s all perfectly legal. We’ll walk you through the steps and the initial paperwork you and your virtual assistants need to complete in order to take advantage of this arrangement. And it’s nothing compared to the paperwork you have to file for payroll taxes.
Typically, most want to work full time for a single client, but everything is negotiable. Some will work part time or even on a project basis. It all depends on what you need.
We provide you with guidance and training on all the tools you need to manage your workers remotely. They’re the same tools (in some cases, better tools) that large corporations have used to manage their own virtual assistants for years.
Our candidates are carefully selected and vetted through at least two interviews and a DISC assessment before they are matched to your specific needs and earn an interview with you. We have tens of thousands of highly qualified applicants seeking a career with a company just like yours. You can rest easy knowing that the candidates we bring to interview with you are serious about a long-term work commitment.
We provide ongoing training and guidance on best practices for security and data protection, which is prudent whether a worker is in your office or anywhere else. All our virtual assistants sign confidentiality agreements (and non-compete agreements, if applicable) and are required to follow any security protocols you have in place. Modern software and monitoring tools offer a high level of protection used by many companies around the world to ensure security, and we’ll help you get these tools in place in your own business so that you too can operate with peace of mind.
You can scale your team up or down as your business needs change, and our virtual assistants are highly adaptable to such changes.
Virtual assistants placed with our clients undergo initial and ongoing training for most common roles. They can attend training sessions on a weekly basis to hone their skills on a wide variety of topics. And don’t forget, if you need a worker with specific skillsets unique to your industry, we’ll recruit candidates with the precise talent and experience you’re looking for.
Whether it’s Microsoft® products, graphics software, bookkeeping programs or your own highly customized software, our virtual assistants are capable handling specialized tasks and software used by your American-based workers. Large corporations all over the world rely on the same talent pool to build their teams. Whatever needs you have, it’s likely we’ve already done it, so just ask!
That’s the easy part! Just schedule a Discovery Call and see how quickly you can get your life back.